Escalation & Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint about services provided by TENET or wish to escalate an existing issue, please follow this procedure.

Please note that TENET does not provide services or support directly to students, nor does it act as a general ombudsman for the further education or higher education sectors. The procedure below only applies to services directly provided by TENET to beneficiary institutions.

Students wishing to lodge complaints about their institutions of study should follow the appropriate channels within their institution. Those wishing to enquire about funding should contact NSFAS. Further assistance may be obtained from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) call centre on 0800.872.222 or

First Level Operational Support

All problems should be reported to our Service Support Desk in the first instance. You can contact them on a 24×7×365 basis by phoning +27.21.763.7147 or emailing c3VwcG9ydEB0ZW5ldC5hYy56YQ==.

Escalations during business hours

During business hours, queries or issues related to the SANReN network or other services TENET provides can be escalated by your designated institutional contact through each of the following levels:

Level 1:

Lynette Wood
Service Support Manager
Email: bHluZXR0ZUB0ZW5ldC5hYy56YQ==
Office: +27.21.763.7181

Level 2:

Rifaat Emeran
Service Delivery Manager
Email: cmlmYWF0QHRlbmV0LmFjLnph
Office: +27.21.763.7155

Level 3:

Duncan Greaves
Chief Executive Office
Email: Y2VvQHRlbmV0LmFjLnph
Office: +27.21.763.7144

When escalating an issue, please provide as much information as possible to assist in investigating. At the very least you should supply the ticket number you received from our service support desk. Additional information such as your TSN number, copies of emails, details of telephonic conversations, any diagnostic information available, etc will assist in the speedy resolution of your complaint.

Please allow a reasonable amount of time for your issue to be attended to before escalating to the next level.

Formal complaints

If you've followed the escalation procedure above and you've still not received a satisfactory outcome, your institution can lodge a formal complaint.