Incorporation information

Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa NPC ("TENET" is a registered short name). All public universities and statutory research innovation councils of South-Africa are eligible to become members of TENET.

Also see the full description of TENET's purposes, activities and relationships with other entities.

Board of Directors and Staff

Tenet's Officers

Connection Policy

The connection policy defines which institutions can connect and on what terms. TENET provides research and education networking services (“REN services”) to campuses of South African education and research institutions and associated support institutions in the public sector that connect to the network operated by TENET (“the REN Network”). This connection policy reflects TENET’s enduring respect for the norms, rules and established good practices that characterise research and education networking worldwide.

Acceptable Use Policy

TENET's service agreement with its institutions requires them to have acceptable use policies that include reference to the TENET Acceptable Use Policy

Other policy and procedure

PAIA Manual
Privacy Policy
Website terms and conditions of use
Code of conduct
Escalation procedure
Complaints procedure


Any job openings at TENET will be listed here.

Requests for Information/Tender/Proposal:

TENET Requests for Information/Tender/Proposal.

SANReN (CSIR) Requests for Information/Tender/Proposal.


Contact information for TENET