Service Support

Information on how to contact our service desk and log a fault.

Information for students and staff

If you're a student or staff member at one of our beneficiary institutions and wish for report a problem, please contact your institution's IT help desk. Your own institution is best placed to give you the right information and, if necessary, they can log a fault with us on your behalf.

Information for TVETS

TENET is no longer connecting TVET colleges directly. See the SABEN website for information on how to gain the benefits of SANReN connectivity.

Information for Schools

TENET does not connect schools directly. TENET does, however, connect schools networks. For information on a schools network near you, or on how to form one, please contact us.


Information for TENET beneficiaries

TENET's Service Performance Targets

  • Availability Target: 99% or better
  • Reliability Target: fewer than 2 outages per month
  • Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) Target: maximum of 8 hours
  • National Latency: < 50 ms
  • International Latency: < 260 ms

See Service Level Indicators and Targets for full details.

How to log a fault

  • Faults should be logged by designated IT staff at your institution
  • TENET maintains a service desk that responds at all times ("24×7×365").
  • To contact the service desk call +27.21.763.7147 or email c3VwcG9ydEB0ZW5ldC5hYy56YQ==.
  • The TENET Site Number (TSN) is important for fault logging - it speeds the process of communication between the service desk and TENET's engineering staff. You can check the TSN number for any site on the graphs pages.

How to join the TENET network

Institutions that are eligible under TENET's Connection Policy are welcome to submit a request to join the network, or simply enquire about service availability, by contacting us. TENET's standard terms and conditions of service are contained in the REN Service Agreement. The text of this agreement is available for use by other NRENs under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to order a new service for a site, or change an existing service

For most services there is no order form - an email message to TENET's primary contact is sufficient to initiate an order or change one.

What about other requests?

TENET’s Service Support Centre <c3VwcG9ydEB0ZW5ldC5hYy56YQ==> is intended to be a "one-stop shop", capable of correctly routing any request within TENET. However, some services have service-specific contact points that help automate some of this:

  • Requests for ad-hoc reports, DNS changes, address space (both IPv4 and IPv6), and other requests (i.e. anything other than fault reporting): c3VwcG9ydEB0ZW5ldC5hYy56YQ==.
  • registrations: visit the pages.
  • eduroam-related requests, see or email ZWR1cm9hbUB0ZW5ldC5hYy56YQ==.
  • Identity federation (SAFIRE) requests: see or email c2FmaXJlQHRlbmV0LmFjLnph.
  • ORCID related requests: b3JjaWRAdGVuZXQuYWMuemE=.
  • Certificate service related requests: Y2VydHNAdGVuZXQuYWMuemE=.

Subscribe to the REN-News list

Announcements regarding operational matters are made on the new REN-news mailing list. Anyone who is involved in the operational side of the use, support or supply of services that involve TENET as agent or supplier will be welcomed as a subscriber.

REN-news has many subscribers. Authors of postings should treat the list as public!

You can subscribe to the list (or unsubscribe from it) by visiting its web interface at

Escalation & Complaints Procedure

If interaction with TENET's service support processes does not result in a satisfactory please follow our escalation & complaints procedure.