ORCID Consortium Pricing

Many institutions that are likely to join the ORCID Consortium already make use of TENET's services under the REN Services Agreement (e.g. they purchase network connectivity from us). In these cases, some of the overheads involved in running the ORCID consortium are currently being recovered as part of a bundle of services provided for by our normal agency fee. As such, in the July 2017 - June 2018 billing cycle TENET has been passing on the lowest tier of ORCID's Premium Consortium membership fee without additional  we have been invoicing the costs of the transaction in Rand at our banks prevailing exchange rate. As the consortium grows and we start to leverage more discount from ORCID, we will begin to levy a small consortium leader fee to cover some of our costs. However, we will always pass on as much discount as we can — our intent is that the consortium should always offer TENET beneficiaries a discount over the equivalent Premium membership, whilst still bringing the benefits of local support and access to a local community of practice.

Where an organisation elects to join the ORCID consortium but is not otherwise a beneficiary of TENET services, the above does not apply and TENET may levy an additional amount to cover those portions that would normally be bundled with other services.

More information is available on request.